Today I’m going over the disadvantages of licensing your music with Getty Images & Soundcloud. Keep in mind the info shared is accurate to date of the video. For those of you who missed the 1st video titled Soundcloud – Music Licensing & Pumpaudio < Just follow that link . httpvh:// In this video […]
Author: Greg Savage
Interview With Sound Designer Jeff Moberg
Jeff, I wanted to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to partake in this interview. I feel it will help a lot audio enthusiast out there who are contemplating jumping into the field. Can you please start by telling everyone a little bit about yourself and what you do? […]
Soundcloud – Music Licensing & Pumpaudio
I’m starting to get a lot of emails and questions on Skype about Music Licensing and the best ways to go about getting placements in: Film, Video Games, TV Commercials etc So rather than replying to everyone individually I thought “hey, why not make a video!?” – So, um…. that is what I done did […]
How To Build A Recording Studio Part 2
Alright so here I am, back with the 2nd installment of building a recording studio. If you’ve missed the 1st part don’t worry you can find it here How To Build A Recording Studio Part 1 I hope you find this post just as beneficial if not more than part 1. Please feel free to […]
Balancing Studio Needs Vs Wants
If you’re anything like me you have a subscription to 3-4 different music gear stores (online) that send you updates every week/month or whatever. Most of the time the updates they send are notifications of slashed prices or promotion deals. I love looking at new gear that is released or soon to be released, […]